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The Compendious History of the World
av Joseph Bosworth
London 1859
Ohthere sæde his hlaforde, Ælfrede [cyninge], þæt he ealra Norð-manna norðmest bude. He cwæð þæt he bude on þæm lande norðeweardum wið ða west sǽ. He sæde ðeah þæt þæt land sy swyðe lang norð þanon; ac hit is eall weste, buton on feawum stowum, sticcemælum wiciað Finnas,- on huntaðe on wintra, and on sumera on fiscoðe be ðære sǽ. He sæde þæt he, æt sumum cyrre, wolde fandian hu lange þæt land norð-rihte læge; oððe hwæþer ænig man be norðan þæm westene bude. Þa fór he norð-rihte be þæm lande: let him ealne weg þæt weste land on þæt steor-bord, and þa wid sǽ on bæc-bord, þry dagas. Þa wæs he swa feor norð swa þa hwæl-huntan fyrrest farað. Þa fór he þa gyt norð-ryhte, swa [feor swa] he mihte, on þæm oþrum þrim dagum, geseglian. Đa beah þæt land þær east-ryhte, oððe sio sǽ in on þæt land, he nyste hwæþer; buton he wiste þæt he þær bad westan windes, oððe hwón norðan, and seglede þanon east be lande, swa swa he mihte on feower dagum geseglian. Þa sceolde he [þær] bidan ryhte norðan windes; forðan þæt land þær beah suð-rihte, oððe seo sæ in on þæt land, he nyste hwæþer. Đa seglede he þanon suð-rihte be lande, swa swa he mihte on fif dagum geseglian. Þa læg þær án mycel ea up in [on] þæt land: þa cyrdon hy up in on ða ea, forþæm hy ne dorston forð be þære eá seglian for unfriðe, forðæm þæt land wæs eall gebún, on oðre healfe þære eá. Ne mette he ǽr nán gebún land, syððan he fram hys agnum hame fór; ac him wæs ealne weg weste land on þæt steor-bord butan fisceran, and fugeleran, and huntan, and þæt [wæron] ealle Finnas; and him wæs á wid sǽ on þæt bæc-bord. Đa Beormas hæfdon swiðe well gebún hyra land, ac hi ne dorston þær on cuman; ac ðara Terfinna land wæs eall weste, butan þær huntan gewicodon, oððe fisceras, oððe fugeleras.
Fela spella him sædon ða Beormas, ægþer ge of hyra agenum lande, ge of þæm [landum], þe ymb hý utan wæran: ac he nyste hwæt þæs soðes wæs, forðæm he hit sylf ne geseah. Þa Finnas, him þuhte, and þa Beormas spræcon neah án geðeode. Swiðost he fór ðyder, to-eacan þæs landes sceawunge, forðæm hors-hwælum, forðæm hi habbað swyðe æþele bán on hyra toþum: þa teð hy brohton sume þæm [cyninge]; and hyra hyd bið swiðe gód to scip-rapum. Se hwæl bið micle læssa þonne oðre hwalas: ne bið he lengra ðonne syfan elna lang; ac, on his agnum lande, is se betsta hwæl-huntað: þa beoð eahta and feowertiges elna lange, and þa mæstan, fiftiges elna lange; þara, he sæde, þæt he syxa sum ofsloge syxtig on twam dagum.
He wæs swyðe spedig man, on þæm æhtum, þe heora speda on beoð, þæt is, on wildrum. He hæfde þa gyt, ða he þone cyningc sohte, tamra deora unbebohtra syx hund. Þa deor hi hátað hránas: þara wæron syx stæl-hranas, ða beoð swyðe dyre mid Finnum, forðæm hy foð þa wildan hranas mid. He wæs mid þæm fyrstum mannum on þæm lande, næfde he þeah ma ðonne twentig hryðera, and twentig sceapa, and twentig swyna; and þæt lytle þæt he erede, he erede mid horsan: ac hyra ár is mæst on þæm gafole, þe ða Finnas him gyldað; þæt gafol bið on deora fellum, and on fugela feðerum, and hwales bane, and on þæm scip-rapum, þe beoð of hwæles hyde geworht, and of seoles. Æghwilc gylt he hys gebyrdum: se byrdesta sceall gylden fiftyne mearðes fell, and fif hranes, and an beran fel, and tyn ambra feðra, and berenne kyrtel oððe yterenne, and twegen scip-rapas; ægþer sy syxtig elna lang, oþer sy of hwæles hyde geworht, oþer of sioles.
He sæde ðæt norð-manna land wære swyþe lang and swyðe smæl. Eal þæt his man aþer oððe ettan oððe erian mæg, þæt lið wið ða sǽ; and þæt is þeah, on sumum stowum, swyðe cludig; and licgað wilde moras wið eastan, and wið upp on emnlange þæm bynum lande. On þæm morum eardiað Finnas; and þæt hyne land is easteweard bradost, and symle swa norðor swa smælre. Eastewerd hit mæg bion syxtig mila brad, oþþe hwene brædre; and middeweard þritig oððe bradre; and norðeweard, he cwæð, þær hit smalost wære, þæt hit mihte beon þreora mila brad to þæm more; and se mór syðþan, on sumum stowum, swa brad swa man mæg on twam wucum oferferan; and, on sumum stowum, swa brad swa man mæg on syx dagum oferferan.
Đonne is to-emnes þæm lande suðeweardum, on oðre healfe þæs mores, Sweoland, oþ þæt land norðeweard; and to-emnes þæm lande norðeweardum, Cwena land. Þa Cwenas hergiað hwilum on ða norð-men ofer ðone mor, hwilum þa norð-men on hy; and þær sint swiðe micle meras fersce geond þa moras; and berað þa Cwenas hyra scypu ofer land on ða meras, and þanon hergiað on ða norð-men. Hy habbað swyðe lytle scypa, and swyðe leohte.
Ohthere sæde þæt sio scir hatte Halgoland, þe he on bude. He cwæð þæt nán man ne bude be norðan him. Þonne is án port on suðeweardum þæm lande, þone man hæt Sciringes heal. Þyder he cwæð, þæt man ne mihte geseglian on anum monðe, gyf man on niht wicode, and ælce dæge hæfde ámbyrne wind; and, ealle ða hwile, he sceal seglian be lande: -and, on þæt steor-bord him, bið ærest [Isaland], and þonne ða igland þe synd betux [Isalande] and þissum lande. Þonne is þis land oð he cymð to Scirincges heale; and ealne weg, on þæt bæc-bord Norðweg. Wið suðan þone Sciringes heal fylð swyðe mycel sǽ up in on ðæt land: seo is bradre þonne ænig man oferseon mæge; and is Gótland on oðre healfe ongean, and siðða Sillende. Seo sǽ lið mænig hund mila up in on þæt land.
And of Sciringes heale, he cwæð þæt he séglode on fif dagan, to þæm porte þe mon hæt æt Hǽþum, se stent betuh Winedum, and Seaxum, and Angle, and hyrð in on Dene. Đa he þiderweard séglode fram Sciringes heale, þa wæs him on þæt bæc-bord Dénamearc; and, on þæt steor-bord, wid sǽ þry dagas; and, þá twegen dagas ær he to Hæþum come, him wæs on þæt steor-bord Gotland, and Sillende, and iglanda fela. On þæm landum eardodon Engle, ær hý hider on land [comon]. And hym wæs ðá twegen dagas, on ðæt bæc-bord, þa igland, þe in Denemearce hyrað.